Why This Program is Needed


What would you do if you or a loved one was wrongfully convicted of a crime that had not actually been committed and you had no money or other resources to fight for freedom and you get sentenced to 10+ years and then let free from bondage to fend for oneself?

According to an article in the Huffington Post, “The United States leads the world in the incarceration of its citizens, which has approximately 2 million people behind bars. That means that a wrongful conviction rate of 1% would translate to 20,000 people being punished for crimes they did not commit”. (Huffington Post, Feb. 3, 2016) 

The above number is alarming especially since they were only hypothesizing. The reality is that “the overlordians” of this system are in no way working towards fixing the problem. It has been said, “no one is as death as those who don’t want or like to listen”. (We), the people, are crying out for a change but the powers that be are ignoring those cries.

Many refer to the justice system as being broken, I beg to differ. In my opinion, the system is doing exactly what it is intended to do. Being wrongfully condemned for crimes has been happening for years.  I want to assist those who have been traumatized from wrongful convictions. As stated earlier this is not a new catastrophe, people have been experiencing this crisis just about as long as laws existed.


The unsettling fact that one would conclude is that, with all the technology we have in these times, people would not become sufferers of wrongful convictions. The disappointing actuality is that it is still happening to this day. The University of Michigan has a website called the National Registry of Exonerations. The website keeps up-to-date stats on the number of people who have been exonerated. On their website it states boldly that since 1989 (at time of the constructing of this website), there have only been 3,068 people exonerated. ONLY!!!! That is frightening, especially if there are over 2 million people incarcerated. What about the people who were innocent in a state that has the death penalty. That's something to really think about.

We're not here to discuss the right or wrong of the system. We're here to bring aid to those who have suffered in the system.  There aren't any programs, support groups, or services for an Exoneree, like they have for those who have committed a crime and "did the time". This is where ConnActShun comes in. We look to reconnect the individual back into society and help to give them an opportunity to make better life decisions.