Our goal is to "BRIDGE THE GAP" between society and the Exoneree. We will work to give them a better life going forward. This will consist of giving them everything needed to be able to readapt and become productive individuals in the community. We will help them to be successful by implementing our two (2) Systems:
1) A.D.D.S system (Attitude + Discipline + Dedication + Sacrifice = Success, it all ADDS up!).
2) T.L.3C's system (Trust, Loyalty, Communication, Compromise, Compassion)
The services that will be rendered are as follows:
(1) Counseling -This is one of the biggest issues that hampers the Exoneree. The lack of counseling in dealing with a wrongful conviction is different from the traditional sense of counseling (Psychiatry) as we know. Psychology and Life coaches will be the approach.
(2) Job/Entreprenuership Training - Most wrongful convictions have resulted in the individual being taken from society, which means that they lose skills or talents they have acquired. This is where we come in, to bring those skills/talents back to the forefront.
(3) Financial Literacy - We will be teaching individuals about managing their money, personal credit, and business credit. We also will give them an understanding of the differences between banks and credit unions and much more dealing in the finances aspect.
(4) Technology - We want to bring the individuals up to par by taking the fear out of working with technology. We will do this by showing them how to work pc's, tablets and phones. In some cases where applicable we will work to build a pc. (another skill that could potentially land them a job or allow them to start their own business)