Actshun Terrell

Shun Terrell Chisolm-Howell aka Actshun Terrell (Founder/Executive Director)

Actshun started ConnActShun after being wrongfully convicted of a crime he did not commit. ConnActShun means "bridging the gap" or connecting people back into society to be productive individuals. 

ConnActshun is a nonprofit organization built solely to assist those individuals who have been wrongfully convicted with getting their lives back to where they once were and in most cases, further in society by becoming more beneficial to the community.

Once a person is released from prison whether it be from behind bars or an unconstitutional false sense of security list, they need skills to survive. When they gain the necessary tools, they will feel confident and will not revert to criminology. This in turn helps the commonwealth of an area as a whole.  

Actshun knows personally the struggle of a wrongfully convicted person and the affect it has on the person as well as the community. That's why this program is SO VITALLY IMPORTANT!


  • 10 years as a motivational/inspirational speaker/L.I.F.E. coach
  • 25 years and an Associates Degree in Computer engineering and technology
  • Entreprenuer Certification from ProsperUs Detroit
  • Credit Repair Certification 
  • Peer Coach Counseling Certification
  • Suicide Prevention Certification
  • Self-Employed as a home improvement specialist /carpenter/ painter/ plumber/mechanic/lawn care service provider
  • A plethora of knowledge, skills, and patience to assist in the building a better community movement

His motto: "Don't fear the fight, fight the fear. Even if you think you can't win, just don't quit the fight.